Gone but not forgotten

Old Mill Hotel, Bargoed

The Old Mill Inn stood on Bridge Street in one of the oldest parts of Bargoed at one time known as Pont Aberbargoed.  The inn was built in 1739 and known locally as ‘Yr Hen Dafarn.  Name derives from an old corn mill which stood nearby with landlord, Daniel Lewis being the last miller.  Lewis was also the nephew of Evan James who wrote the Welsh national anthem.

By 2010 the hotel was closed and was destroyed by fire two years later.

The Bowls Inn, Penyrheol, Caerphilly

The Bowls Inn occupied a prominent position on the B4263 Abertridwr Road and stood opposite Station Road.  Dating back to the early 1880s and offered thirsty coal workers a place to relax after a hard day's graft.

In 1851 the public house was in the possession of Eli Price who was known as a butcher, farmer and innkeeper.  It is believed an earlier inn stood on the present site dating back to the 17th century and served the foundry and farm workers of Caerphilly.

Farmers Inn, Swansea

Safai unwaith ar Frog Street on cafodd ei dymchwel er mwyn codi Ysgol Rutland Street.

New Inn, Llanidloes

Safai’r New Inn ar Short Bridge Street, ond fe’i caewyd a daeth yn safle i Price’s Electrical.  Bu unwaith yn brif dafarn Llanidloes.

The Bull Hotel, Presteigne

Mae’r adeilad Gradd II yn dyddio i ddyddiau cynnar y 18fed ganrif.  Saif ger y farchnad a thros y blynyddoedd bu’n sefyliad poblogaidd gyda’r helwyr lleol a cafwyd sawl cinio mawreddog yno.

Gwelir tanau agored yn llosgi yn y lolfa yn ystod misoedd hir y gaeaf.  Mae afon Lugg, gerllaw, yn cynnig cyfleoedd da i bysgotwyr.

Gweinir cwrw traddodiadol.

Golden Lion, Brecon

Bu unwaith yn dafarn blaenllaw ar Lion Street Aberhonddu.  Tan yn ddiweddar sefydlwyd Cwmni Breconshire Canal a Lime yno.  Roedd lle i 50 o geffylau yno ac roedd 50 erw o dir cyfagos yn perthyn iddi.

Waterloo Hotel, Aberystwyth

Dinistriwyd y Waterloo Hotel yn gyfangwbl mewn tân yn 1919 ac adeiladwyd Neuadd y Brenin ar y safle

Lamb and Flag Inn near Cwmfelin

The Lamb and Flag was opened in 1845 and the licensee by 1908 was Mrs Catherine Rees.  Following a tribunal the inn was closed in the 1920s and is now a private house.

It was located some half a mile up the hill between Cwmfelin and Llangynwyd.  At one time the inn was used for the change and refreshment of bearers in funerals who were on their way to the churchyards.  

Talbot Arms, Maesteg

The Talbot Arms was located at the junction of Treharne Row and Upper Castle Street.  It was built during the 1830s and was one of the earliest public houses in Maesteg. 

At one time the Cwmdu Board of Health held some of their meetings within the public house.  The Talbot closed its doors in 1911 and was demolished.

Monkey Inn, Caerau

The Monkey Inn was formerly known as the Blaencaerau Hotel.  Closed at the end of the 1980s and was completely destroyed by arson in September in 1990.  No trace of the inn remains.


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